Bristol Spirit is an on going photographic project seeking to make a contemporary visual record of the city. Photographer Nick Ball has lived in the city all his life and was inspired to start this project by a phrase in Victorian 18th-century texts about the city that refer to a special force that drives its inhabitants “The Bristol Spirit”. Nick feels the same force exist today and is seeking to capture and record it. Nick’s first book called Bristol Spirit concentrates on those who currently underscore the creativity at the heart of the city today, it was published in October 2012 and is available on
A second book is planned looking at the charities, campaigners and performers taking the Bristol Spirit into the 21st-century and Nick is keen to make contact and photograph the people who make Bristol so special today, so if this is you please use the contact form to be part of the project and it may be your image and some text about what is important to you being read in a book 100 years from now.
Nick also carries out fee based commercial and event photography and is happy to photograph weddings (the quirkier the better) and also offers a unique event photography service called Photosofa, details can be found on the rest of the website.